Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Guren + Mahiru added

Man they sure are cycling through cards fast. In addition to the new Ferid, a Guren + Mahiru has been added to the same scouting pool.

Too bad i don't really like Mahiru, the cards with the humans + their demons are actually really cool XD

Also, speaking of Guren. The current Guren event has one week left. I have a guide here if your still looking for help uwu

~Captain Despurr

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ferid Scouting is up!

A new Ferid is now available via scouting! It's like another pool of premium scouts with cards from previous scouting available. As usual though, no event cards are available in here.

And here's Ferid with some of his stats. I'm actually digging the look of this card XD

Also the Guren event is currently on half stamina to enter the stages. So the stages that normally cost 90 are 45 and so on and so forth.

~Captain Despurr

Saturday, April 16, 2016

New Mitsuba Added to premium scouts!

Mitsuba is sure getting a lot of love lately! I'm not a huge fan of her, but i'm sure a lot of people are happy uwu

With this Mitsuba starts a new pool of premium scouting, which is nice. I didn't think you could add any more to the current pool. It's got some cards from past scouting like king Mika and Guren with Mahiru. It's a nice way to get some previous cards, but as per the usual with these kind of games none of the previous event cards are included.

And here's the picture of her with some of her stats

I'm digging the jacket -w-

~Captain Despurr~

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ongoing Event: Kiseki-O's

So this is more of an onging event that doesn't really have a specific "goal" like the current Guren one or other events. The whole point is just to give players more opportunities to obtain Kiseki-O's in order to level up their cards and max them out, which is really helpful.

It's got 3 levels of stages, all costing 50 stamina. Enemies aren't extremely difficult to beat, just take a balanced team really.Any element can appear, so just take your favorites XD

 The whole point is just to beat the enemies as many times as possible to get Kiseki-O's to drop anyway.

This is great for new and older players, as cards will always need leveling up. Here's a graph of the cards you can get as drops from this event:

You can't get Asuramarus from this stage, but Kiseki-O works just as well most of the time. 

The only issue with this event is that it's only up for a few minutes at certain times of the day. Usually I can play it once or twice before it disappears for the next few days. Which for the reward of basically free Kiseki-O's, I think it's ok. Here's the table provided by the game for times, but because of time zones and time differences I would just check back frequently if you want to play the event.

~Captain Despurr~

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Event Finally has Guren in it

Sorry for posting so sparingly! I kinda had to slow down my playing amount for a while due to school/work/events not interesting me. But Guren is my favorite, and i'm a sucker for military outfits so i'm back for the newest event.

So this event is a little bit different then the previous ones in that there is no scouting and you can only collect one item-badges. If you get 1000 badges Guren is yours. But i have got to say, the stages to get the badges on are extremely difficult and require a lot of strategy. Since not everyone reads moonrunes, i'm gonna post a little guide of what i did here, since it's been working very well for me.

So this event comes with 4 stages, but I recommend the one that costs 30 hearts for badge grinding. You do get a lot more from playing the 90 hearts one, but in the event that you need to quit the stage it can be a huge setback time wise. Overall i find that playing the second best stage gets your more then playing the best stage once, but it is just a personal preference. But this strategy will be mostly tailored for the 30 heart stage. It will work on the 90 however.

When playing this stage at the hardest levels you will encounter 5 enemies always in the same order. Now I usually tackle events with a balanced team with multiple elements. That doesn't work here. You almost have to make a team comprised only of super effective cards. The only enemies here are fire and grass, so your team should be made of water and fire. I found that during this stage the enemies all use the attacks that lower your teams stats ( like in that one Mika event) so if your not super effective your probably not doing very much damage. This is also why you want to finish fights as quickly as possible, due to the fact that the enemies here are high damage, have debuff spells and some can heal.

The nice thing about this stage is that the enemines always come in the same order: fire,grass,grass,fire,fire. This allows you to level up accordingly and to plan better. Each enemy will also cause you different problems, so here's a little guide to each of them.

Mito: she's a fire type card, which matches her hair. She doesn't do a lot of damage per say, but her bar to jump fills up VERY fast. She also flips your cards to different spots often. I tend to throw down all my water cards first and leave the fires so I can take levels on those to try and get her before she jumps too many times.

Shigure: She's a grass, so you'll need to put levels in your fire cards fast. Don't be afraid to pull cards out to let them heal, it's better then the penalty for letting them die. She's the first one with the debuff spells, so try to kill her quickly. She does a lot of damage.

Sayuri: She's also a grass, she heals. Use your empowered fire cards to kill her quickly. Try not to draw the battle out, as she will out sustain your cards. Don't be afraid to let your water cards take a beating while your fire cards take her out, She also applies debuffs.

Goshi: Fire. Goshi is a TANK. At this point if you've been hit with even a few debuff spells ( which you will) basically only your super effective cards will do any damage. Usually your cards are empowered enough to take him out in a few hits at this point

Guren: Fire. Here's the big boss himself. Don't let his good looks distract you. He heals,applies debuffs and does massive damage. I highly HIGHLY recommend saving both your group attack AND your support to kill him. He heals a lot and attacks fast, faster then your cards. You can beat him without using both of those, but if you want to finish the fight quickly it's the way to go.

Side note: i am aware that group attacks recover and you can use it again. But if your doing the stage really well, it's too fast to recover another one. Just save your one for the end so you can pop it as soon as all 5 cards are out.

I also recommend using pills for these stages. It helps a lot.

This is the team i'm using for this event and it's working pretty well.

The cards i'm using are:
Shrine Maiden Mito
Generic SR Lacus
Bad boy Shinya
Shrine Maiden ( Man???) Yuu
The Lacus from that ultra difficult event stage

3 water 2 fire works the best because there's more fire then water enemies. 3 fire 2 water could also work if needed. I would not recommend 1 fire 4 water or 1 water 4 fire though, it's too much reliance on one card for half the stage. 

Well hope this helps someone! If you have any other questions please feel free to ask uwu