Really the title of this page could be what the cards do and how to play them but meh
Just like any card game, these cards have rarities. 4 to be exact. These 4 are:
N: I have no idea what this stands for (neutral maybe), but these are like cards that you would get from drops on stages. So if you kill an enemy and they drop a card, good chance it will be one of these.
R: Stands for "Rare". But the name is deceiving, as these are basically the commons of the game.
SR: Stands for "Super Rare". These are far rarer then Rs, and have higher stats ( and prettier pictures XD)
SSR: I don't want to say that it stands for "Super Super Rare", but that's all I can think of haha. These are the rarest cards in the game, and also have the best stats (usually). These also have the most intricate pictures and look rather nice.
It's a strategy game (of sorts) of course, each card has stats. There are 6 stats, and each card has all of them. What makes a difference is the amounts of each.
HP: how much HP this card has, or how much damage you can take
Attack: How much damage your dealing to an enemy
Defense: How much damage your enemy is dealing to you
Resilence: I actually don't know what this one does specifically, possibly something with recovery time in battle.
Co-opertivness: How well this card works with other cards. The higher the stat the better the teamwork!
Agilty: Also can be called speed, how fast your card attacks ( this is what i'm assuming since there issin't a lot of independent moving)
Each of these stats will play into how a card works in battle. Although, it is a game where cards need to work together. So balencing these stats with how each card works is the key to success.
If you've ever played a game like Pokemon, you will be familier with the typing system of battle. Basiclly there are 5 elements, and in the Rock-Paper-Scissors fashion certian elements will trump another. While this dosen;t make too big of a difference early on it is huge in harder stages! The element of a card can be determind by the border around the card's thumbnail. The 5 elements are:
Fire:Trumps grass, weak to water
Water: Trumps fire, weak to grass
Grass: Trumps water, weak to fire
Light: Trumps dark, but is also weak to it
Dark: Trumps light, but is also weak to it.
Making a balenced team of elements is really helpful later on!
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